RCMP Veterans' Association (PEI)

Christmas Social (2015-12-08)

We kicked off the Christmas season with our traditional turkey dinner with all the fixins from Chef Trent and Suzanne Desroches and their staff.  Attendance was high this year (78) with new guests joining us from the Summerside Police Service and "L" Division.  After a wonderful dining experience, we finished off the night with an impromptu choir and their rendition of classic Christmas Caroles accompanied by Suzanne Desroches on the keyboard.

Peter Sorensen, our current Past President, was selected as the recipient of the William Edward "Ted" Whelan Memorial Award which acknowledges the recipient's contribution to the Association's mission, purpose and objectives, and who shows care and compassion for the members and their families.

Wayne Schleyer was presented with his ten year service bar, while a number of Associate Members were served by Members of the Executive.