RCMP Display Unveiling
Veterans' Affairs Canada HQ
Charlottetown, PEI
On Monday, November 25th, 2013, Assistant Deputy Minister of VAC, Mr. Keith Hillier, along with the RCMP's Chief Human Resources Officer, D/Commr. Dan Dubeau, unveiled a display of the RCMP Review Order #1, complete with Red Serge, Full Sam Browne, Boot and Breeches, and Stetson, in the main lobby of the VA HQ. This display completes the display of the services served by VAC. Sgt. Brad Chugg, RCMP Liaison with VAC worked tirelessly with ADM Hillier and ensuring that this display came to fruition.
Seen below (L-R): Ernie MacAulay, Secretary, RCMP VA (PEI); Mike O'Neil, President, RCMP VA (PEI); C/Supt. Craig Gibson, Commanding Officer, "L" Division; D/Commr. Dan Dubeau, Chief Human Resources Officer, RCMP HQ; Betty Holmes, Associate Member, RCMP VA (PEI) & Contributor of Uniform of the Late David G. Holmes, RCMP VA (PEI); ADM Keith Hillier, VAC; Sgt. Brad Chugg, RCMP / VAC Liaison; and Staff Sergeant Major Larry Kavanagh, Community Policing Officer, "L" Division.